Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
He said this year’s Minister’s Conference totally impacted my life in such a way that quite frankly, I am not sure if there are enough words to describe what took place. This year’s theme: “No Limits, No Boundaries”, far exceeded my expectation!
That in preparation for the conference, my husband and I got together and we said that we wanted God to do great things in our life and that whatever He had for us; we were open and willing to receive. The theme for this year was applicable to every aspect of our lives. He believes that from our finances, to making our vision clearer for our family and the dreams that God has given us, we have taken the limits off! I believe for a brief period of time, Rodney Howard Brown almost forgot the things that God had promised us as a couple. But during that week, I know that the Holy Spirit brought those things back to life and my faith was totally reignited!
Minister’s Conference 2010, helped me realize that the dreams, and visions that God has given me are alive, they are not dead and I need not put my God in a box. I believe I was guilty of that. Further, I would find myself trying to figure things out on my own, or how they should go; this conference allowed me to let go and allow God to complete those things that He already started in our lives!
At times I can get so discouraged, and my emotions try to get the best of me. But this Minister’s Conference caused me to place things back into perspective. My total reliance is on Jesus and He is going to fulfill every promise He has spoken over my family…with No Limits or Boundaries!