It was awesome on Wednesday the 5th when He got to section lead. But the best part was I wasn’t ready cause I wasn’t on for that night. But something came up with one of the leaders and they asked me to step in and fill the spot. And I really wasn’t ready, so I immediately started praying in tongues and was telling the Lord please help me. Hesaid that everything during that day that could have gone wrong did go wrong. So I wasn’t even fully focused on anything but the problems that were going on that day. But as soon as I asked God to help me it was like everything went away and my attention went straight to the man of God. He felt the anointing come on me and I served with excellence. It was funny because Pastor Rodney was only calling people out on my side but it was like I knew who they were and I wasn’t hesitant to get them. And that night really impacted me, cause I felt my attitude really change my thought process change everything changed instantly. He states that on Thursday night I was section leading again, but this time I was scheduled to do it, so there was no surprise thank you Jesus. As I was listening to Pastor Rodney doing the interview with Dr. Smithurst and was getting touched because I was being reminded on just how good I have it here but I got a greater revelation of what missions was and what God is doing not just here but all around the world. I’m loving these Great Awakening Tours meetings and I’m excited to see what is still to come.-Gabriel T.
The Great Awakening services – Rodney Howard Browne
I am excited about what God did this week during the Great Awakening services! The experience that I had while helping with the call center was amazing! God worked miracles and performed healings. People were touched with the fire of God, of which they were seeking. Hestates that as a result there were people who received the fire of God for the first time while I was praying with them. I have never seen so many people open to the Spirit of the Lord and seeking Him with their whole hearts. They wanted as much of Jesus and the Holy Spirit as they could have! Several people got saved when they were calling for prayer too. People who were in desperate situations because they were grief stricken because of loss of loved ones found new hope in Jesus and truly recognized the Holy Spirit to be their Comforter. He cannot wait to hear the testimonies of what Jesus has done and will continue to do through this ministry, especially in the area of healings and miracles. I felt that the Lord was telling me to lay aside some weights as well and realize that this is truly not about me, but about ministering to others during this critical time in the history of this country. He now understand that every believer must learn to soul win for his or herself, and I now can see more clearly how it will be accomplished through methods such as those used during this Great Awakening . –Kammini C.
Rodney Howard Browne – Josh P., Ron S. and Barb C. Testimony
Josh P.
Have been watching all last week. Service has been awesome. He said the fire of god fell on our service Sunday morning. God is awesome thank you pastor Rodney.
Ron S.
Watching again tonight in Memphis….Want and NEED the FIRE OF GOD here!!! As Pastor Maldonado says to you, “Mi Amigo, Mucho Fuego!!! He used to come to Ft Worth when you would come to Calvary when I lived in Plano, TX. Noe In Memphis and praying for the FIRE!!!
Barb C.
My prayer for all. He states that may God’s fire come and sit on the heads of his people and burn out all garbage from their minds, may it then go into their eyes so that they may see more clear, then go into their mouths and burn their tongues so that th…
Ministers Conference 2010 – Jeffrey P. Testimony
Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
He said that MC 2010, it was great time of seeing faces not seen in a long time, powerful stories of missions, opened eyes of what it takes to pull off successful event and serving in helps at a higher level. I’m sure there is much more to learn.
I’m grateful to all my teachers who through the lessons that that they teach is help prepare me for this event. Especially ministry of helps and submission and authority. There were a couple of situations in helps, that came up during the event, that I was able to apply what was taught in those studies, to those situations. I was assured that all the subjects are being taught in order for a reason.
As a kingdom business man, it was defined more clearly the importance to seek godly wisdom, understanding, and direction.
He left the week of meetings with more faith, and that there are no limits or boundaries to what God can do through me, and the church that I serve.
Ministers Conference 2010 – Needra H. Testimony
Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
He said this year’s Minister’s Conference totally impacted my life in such a way that quite frankly, I am not sure if there are enough words to describe what took place. This year’s theme: “No Limits, No Boundaries”, far exceeded my expectation!
That in preparation for the conference, my husband and I got together and we said that we wanted God to do great things in our life and that whatever He had for us; we were open and willing to receive. The theme for this year was applicable to every aspect of our lives. He believes that from our finances, to making our vision clearer for our family and the dreams that God has given us, we have taken the limits off! I believe for a brief period of time, Rodney Howard Brown almost forgot the things that God had promised us as a couple. But during that week, I know that the Holy Spirit brought those things back to life and my faith was totally reignited!
Minister’s Conference 2010, helped me realize that the dreams, and visions that God has given me are alive, they are not dead and I need not put my God in a box. I believe I was guilty of that. Further, I would find myself trying to figure things out on my own, or how they should go; this conference allowed me to let go and allow God to complete those things that He already started in our lives!
At times I can get so discouraged, and my emotions try to get the best of me. But this Minister’s Conference caused me to place things back into perspective. My total reliance is on Jesus and He is going to fulfill every promise He has spoken over my family…with No Limits or Boundaries!
Rodney Howard Browne – Terri E. Testimony
Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
He was able to soul win on the buses for the first time today. I got on a bus and was able to led 30 people to the Lord and a young man got filled with the joy !
He said a woman had a stroke and the daughter that was with her had a crippled hand. She was shaking. Her hand opened up and stopped shaking.
I went out today and I got to pray with a football team and a soccer team when I had finished praying with the soccer team Heasked if any one needed healing someone had a bad hip he got healed.
I went out today for the 1st time. Won 17 people to the Lord at Wal Mart and at the bus station. He went to my job for about 30 min before I came here tonight and won another soul to the Lord. A guy at the bus station came later on and wanted to thank the soul winner. I am hooked!
Rodney Howard Browne – Kouami A. Testimony
Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
He was in the Wal Mart parking lot and a guy holding a sign told me he just came out of prison. We prayed together. I also prayed with a homeless person who was asking for money and food. In total, I prayed with 18 people on the streets today.
Today I was at a high school, and I had favor!! I prayed with 115 people there!
He was at the gas station and a guy came up to me and asked me for money. I asked if he knew that God loved him and if he was going to Heaven. He said yes, that he was saved. So I asked how on fire he was on a scale of 1 to 5. He said he was a 4, so I told him we could pray for that perfect 5. He walked away and said he didn’t have time. Boldness came out of me, and I said, “You have time to ask for money but no time for Jesus,” so he came back and said, “OK, let’s do this.” So he rededicated his life to the Lord.
He was at a high school, and I came up to a group and asked them if they were to die, would they go to Heaven. One of the girls said she was an atheist, and two of the girls weren’t sure if they would go to Heaven. I continued with the script, and before I got to the prayer, one girl said she had goose bumps. He prayed and asked if they would like to receive the gift God has for them. One girl said that God must be real because she felt something on the inside so she told her friends, “Come on. Let’s say the prayer.” All three of them got saved. The power is in the Gospel. The Gospel is the power!
Summer Camp Meeting – Erica J. Testimony
Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
I wish I could list all of the ways that this camp meeting has challenged me. Every night it was something different. The first way was just going using what He’s already given me for the gospel. The next area was in changing my way of thinking about generations. The most important way, for me personally, that I was affected was in holiness.
Being around men and women of God who are breaking down barriers everyday stretches me to give my all for God. However, sometimes looking at everything that those who have gone before have done could be overwhelming. I would think to myself, “God what do I even have that you would want or that you could use?” James Levesque knocked that out of the water with his testimony. There are so many ways that God has gifted me and many times just because of not thinking like God thinks I haven’t used those gifts for the kingdom. Now I have no excuse not to use what’s in my hand.
Next is the generation gap which really isn’t a gap at all. Being a youth leader has recently made me feel really old. I look at some of the students that I get to spend time with and pour into and think, “Why wasn’t I doing the things that they are at that age?” Of course I didn’t know about soul winning and my church didn’t really do outreaches, but the thoughts came. Then Pastor Rodney said, “If the Lord didn’t think you had what it took to live in this time, you would have been born in another time!” God can use me right where I am.
Finally, I must come to an area of holiness. It’s not that I was out sinning or living worldly, but it’s time to go to the next level. The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about holiness for a while and it came out so much in all of the messages. If the pure in heart are the ones that are going to see God then I want to be pure in heart. I must.
Rodney Howard Browne – Sarah H. Testimony
Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
Soul winning has changed my life. When I was first introduced to the ministry of Pastors Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne and The River Church of Tampa Bay I was in no way a soul winner. I truly didn’t understand the love of Jesus and the commission we have all been called to do. Since leaving my home of Texas to pursue the call of God I found out really quick that soul winning isn’t just a program, it is a passion.
I have nearly finished the first year of school at The River Bible Institute and soul winning started out being a weekly event. Since then the power of the gospel has changed my life to becoming a daily soul winner. It has taken months for the Lord to prepare my heart to speak in love toward others regardless of their reactions, but mostly to build the character of being bold when approaching someone.
The Holy Spirit is real and he needs us to stop and listen so work of the kingdom will not go undone. Every Saturday me and my 2 boys (Ages 9 and 5) wake up with the anticipation that God has divine appointments for us. What a joy to see what God is doing in my boys and in my family. To hear them pray and lead someone to the Lord, there are no words to describe it. I know that not only our lives have been changed but the gospel has brought freedom to the captives.
There are so many testimonies of Gods goodness and grace. I have witnessed supernatural healings, seen the hearts of people break down and repent, and I have also seen the blessings of the Lord. I have seen the love of Jesus flow through me in I way I couldn’t. There is nothing greater than doing the work of the kingdom and allowing God to use you. In all I do I will Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Rodney Howard Browne – Ruth N. Testimony
Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
I’ve never experienced the power and love of God like I do when watching someone accept Christ. Soul winning has changed my whole perspective of life. One night I was driving home from church and noticed a group of teenagers standing on the side of the road, shooting off fireworks. As I was driving by, I knew I had to stop and tell them about Jesus. I pulled over and ran over to them. They seemed to think I came to join their party; I asked them if anyone ever told them that God loved them and had a wonderful plan for their life. Some no and some said they didn’t know. I shared what the Bible says with them and all thirteen stopped playing and prayed with me. Everyone was so thankful.
I was shopping at the store another time, minding my own business. A girl was standing right next to me. The Holy Spirit told me to go tell her about Jesus. The second I asked her if she had ever heard that God loved her she burst into tears and looked me in the eyes “You have no idea how much I needed to hear that. How did you know I’m going through so much?” I said I had no idea, but that God knew and He had a plan and a purpose for her life. The hope that came into her eyes was unexplainable.
Seeing God touch and change people’s lives is what makes life worth living. When I began to feel God’s compassion for souls, and His love for people; it will wreck you for life. The joy of giving away the life of the one living inside of me is unexplainable. Seeing the transformation take place in an individual from depression to hope and joy is what motivates me to keep on going strong.