I am excited about what God did this week during the Great Awakening services! The experience that I had while helping with the call center was amazing! God worked miracles and performed healings. People were touched with the fire of God, of which they were seeking. Hestates that as a result there were people who received the fire of God for the first time while I was praying with them. I have never seen so many people open to the Spirit of the Lord and seeking Him with their whole hearts. They wanted as much of Jesus and the Holy Spirit as they could have! Several people got saved when they were calling for prayer too. People who were in desperate situations because they were grief stricken because of loss of loved ones found new hope in Jesus and truly recognized the Holy Spirit to be their Comforter. He cannot wait to hear the testimonies of what Jesus has done and will continue to do through this ministry, especially in the area of healings and miracles. I felt that the Lord was telling me to lay aside some weights as well and realize that this is truly not about me, but about ministering to others during this critical time in the history of this country. He now understand that every believer must learn to soul win for his or herself, and I now can see more clearly how it will be accomplished through methods such as those used during this Great Awakening . –Kammini C.
Monthly Archives: February 2011
Rodney Howard Browne – Josh P., Ron S. and Barb C. Testimony
Josh P.
Have been watching all last week. Service has been awesome. He said the fire of god fell on our service Sunday morning. God is awesome thank you pastor Rodney.
Ron S.
Watching again tonight in Memphis….Want and NEED the FIRE OF GOD here!!! As Pastor Maldonado says to you, “Mi Amigo, Mucho Fuego!!! He used to come to Ft Worth when you would come to Calvary when I lived in Plano, TX. Noe In Memphis and praying for the FIRE!!!
Barb C.
My prayer for all. He states that may God’s fire come and sit on the heads of his people and burn out all garbage from their minds, may it then go into their eyes so that they may see more clear, then go into their mouths and burn their tongues so that th…