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He said that MC 2010, it was great time of seeing faces not seen in a long time, powerful stories of missions, opened eyes of what it takes to pull off successful event and serving in helps at a higher level. I’m sure there is much more to learn.
I’m grateful to all my teachers who through the lessons that that they teach is help prepare me for this event. Especially ministry of helps and submission and authority. There were a couple of situations in helps, that came up during the event, that I was able to apply what was taught in those studies, to those situations. I was assured that all the subjects are being taught in order for a reason.
As a kingdom business man, it was defined more clearly the importance to seek godly wisdom, understanding, and direction.
He left the week of meetings with more faith, and that there are no limits or boundaries to what God can do through me, and the church that I serve.