My Winter Camp Meeting Experience | Dawn Kleisath Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I cant say enough awesome things about Winter Camp Meeting! Lets start. This was my first one so did not know what to expect really. I was surprised, pleased and shocked. It was wild! Definitely people here were drunk and high like I have never seen before. I was drunk and high on the new wine that one night, I had to wait 2 hours before I could drive home. Beetel had to escort me to my car and told me not to leave yet. I was hit hard that night by the fire of God. Pastor Rodney was calling out healings. I stepped outside a few mins. To say goodbye to my guest who had to leave, I came back in and Pastor called out that people who had thyroid diseases to come to the front. Well that was me, so I came down to the front visibly shaken my h head in my hands, crying. Pastor touched me and the next thing I know I am on the ground spread out, and I feel this burning sensation all through my body, I was shaking and felt like screaming but didn’t, just some moaning. Then I felt joy and started laughing. I was perplexed by it.

I must have been on the carpet a while. Time was gone from me. I heard the Lord and He spoke to me stuff I cant mention here. But it was freeing. I was very drunk stumbling to my seat but very happy. I ‘m an ex alcoholic and drug addict and know what feeling drunk and high is all about. This was different much different. I spoke with Beetel after the services and he reassured me I’d be ok with no side effects. LOL I knew he would understand since were from the same neck of the woods. Praise God! God started a major healing in Winter Camp meeting 2010.

Great Awakening Tour City #30 Minneapolis, Minnesota | Mary Segura Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I was watching on and when you had an altar call and said maybe you were close to God and you got away because of a storm in our finances from the enemy, I knew I had gotten into fear!! I realized I accepted satan’s fear! And you said do you want to come back and receive Jesus and the fire of God, I felt myself longging for Jesus to set me free!! And He did!!I felt the power of God burning everything out of me except my desire for Him!!! Thank You for the spirit of religion and poverty was broken off me!! Thank You for showing me that God loved me!! Mary

Mary Segura
Saginaw Texas United States

African Live Crusade | Elizabeth G Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I have to give you a testimony on these annointed scripts. I went out when you were in Sanford, and I got some scripts and brought in alot. Then I went back to Daytona Beach where I live and began using the script around here…..but I wish you would come here. You could contact my church Calvary Christian center as a base church!! Anyway, yesterday I went to the mall and walked up to this man…he then told me he was an atheist and proceeded to give the usaul arguments. When he was done i just started readin the script to him, no realy looking for any responses….and he didn’t…but when I was finished a complete calm came over him – the peace of God and after THAT he continued to stay around and watch me talking to other people! God did an incredible miracle just by READING it over him! God is Good and Faithful!

Elizabeth G
Ormond beach Florida United States